Your accounting software stores and manages your financial data, the lifeblood of your business. Ensure that your financial data is accurate and that your business is running well by ensuring that users are using Palladium correctly and making use of all the functionality that is available to them. Palladium Accounting offers online training courses to help clients get the most out of their software.
Unlimited Free Training
Our online courses run regularly throughout the year, ensuring that you can get training whenever you need it. Courses are offered online so that you can attend from anywhere, even if you are traveling. There will be ongoing training on upcoming/new features that Palladium has to offer. Stay in the loop with our latest features and trends by attending our weekly online training.
Road map and upcoming preview to new features.
There will be ongoing training on upcoming/new features that Palladium has to offer! Stay in the loop with our latest features and trends by attending our weekly online training. Check the calendar below to see what exciting new topics we will be sharing with you and sign up below.
Please note, our Payroll software is currently limited to South Africa only therefore Payroll training would be most beneficial to South African companies and individuals.
Please also note, the training schedule and links are sent out on Mondays. If you do not receive a link, kindly email
Attend our training course to understand why Palladium has the most comprehensive mobile application around for:
- Mobile Salesforce – (processing Sales Quotes, Sales Orders and Freehand Quotes) with “sign to glass” capabilities and Process Expense Claims. Also learn how to capture POD’s, Create or edit Customers, as well as process CRM Activities
- Time Management with clock in and clock out functionality
- Warehousing – Process Bin and Warehouse Transfers, GRV’s, Put Aways, Pick Tickets, Delivery Advices, Inventory Enquiries as well as Stock Takes
- Manufacturing to process Job Transfers across Work Centres as well as Issue Work In Progress
- Management Functionality includes a Performance Dashboard and mobile Employee Tracking
- Procurement for Purchase Quotes, Orders as well as Purchase Order Approvals for managers.
- Workshop for processing all of the Workshop Floor functions from the device, this includes the Creation of Quotes, the Opening of Jobs, Process Inventory Issues and Returns, and even have the ability to view the Shop Calendar.
We will also show you the management console to allow you to view the salespersons performance as well as to view their current and past trips on Google Maps.
The training will cover the following:
- Setup and Creation of activities and understand how this flows through to the Sales Pipeline
- Create activities for Customers and Prospects
- Create pop-up notifications
- Create and view Incidents from processing documents
- Drag and drop document attachments
- View incidents from the main Dashboard Control
- Create or Update incidents from the Palladium Mobile application
In this training, you will be able to see how easy it is to convert your, or your clients, Sage Evolution (Line 200) or Sage Partner (Line 50) data to Palladium in one single process. See how easy it is to convert your data:
- General Ledger Accounts, Opening Balances and All Journals for the current year
- Customer, Supplier and Inventory Categories
- Customers and Supplies accounts, delivery addresses as well as open-item Balances
- Customer and Supplier Sales and Purchase History
- Salesperson Details
- Tax codes and Setup
- Inventory Item Masterfiles, Locations as well as Opening Quantities and Values
- Multi-Currency Setups
- Project Masterfiles and Manufacturing BOM’s
- Cash Books and Currencies
In this training, you will understand the power of Automations in the form of Scheduled reports or Immediate exception reporting. We aim to simplify the jargon of RPA (Robotic Process Automation) and show you how it can add immense value for you in your business, whether it be updating Customers, Suppliers, Staff members or Management, the opportunities are limitless. Its about using automation to change the behavior of those in your business.
This training takes 2 forms in Scheduled Reports and Instant Alerts:
Scheduled Reports (email)
These could be:
- Sales Performance reports to Salespersons
- Reports to Management on the weekly business performance
- Overdue sales or purchase orders
- Notification of overdue accounts to Customers
- Stocks below minimum reports
Instant Alerts (email or SMS)
- This could be a newly created credit note over a certain value
- A change to a customer credit limit
- A change to a BOM recipe
- An order over a certain value
With this training we will show you how to:
- Setup the General Ledger Account Segmentation of up to 10 Levels
- Apply General Ledger Account Security and see how this is can control processing through Account sets
- Setup Journal Codes and apply logical names rather than use account numbers for Sales and Purchase processing to GL Accounts
- Process Customer, Supplier and Ledger Journal Entries, using formulas, document attachments, reversing Journals and more
- Use Deposit Slips, Bank Account Reconciliations, GL Open Item Allocations and the Subsidiary Ledger
- We will also explain the relevance of Linked Accounts, Departments and Profit Centres and when to apply each of these
- Generating Reports and Financial Statements
- Create an unlimited number of General Ledger Budgets
- Learn how to setup the Bank Manager with Live Feeds to your bank, and import statement transactions directly into the system
- Create and edit mappings that will match statement references for specific transactions, to the relevant Customer, Supplier or General Ledger account details
In this course you will learn how to:
- Setup the Accounts Payable module including the unique settings per Vendor
- Process documents from Purchase Requisitions, Orders and Invoices
- Process Bulk Request for Quotations
- Understand the difference between converting from GRV vs Processing the Invoice Directly
- Conduct Inventory Replenishment Orders using the Bulk Replenishment function
- Process Inventory Orders using the Quick Order Form
- Understand Purchase Order Approvals and setup
- We will also cover Vendor Returns, Request for Payments as well as General Vendor and Tax Payments
In this training session you will learn how to:
- Apply Customer setups with Customer Category User Rights, and manage the setup of Over-Due and Over-Limit processing.
- Setup and apply Temporary Credit Limits
- We will go through the full sales processing function from Free-Hand Quotes, Sales Quotes, Orders and Invoices
- We will also show you how to use Delivery Advices.
- We will go through returns using Credit Notes and Credit Requests
- SMS setup (Marketing, Debt Collection, Send Bulk, Reminders, Credits and SMS Reports)
- We will show you how to attach POD’s to invoices and report on outstanding POD’s
- Use the EDI function to download orders from the Vodacom Portal from Large Retailers
- Process receipts to Sales Orders for Layby’s
- Setup and use Delivery costs
- Learn how and where to apply Contract billing
- Send Customer Statements with copies of the invoices attached to the mail
- Other areas covered include Receipt Processing, Cycle Billing, Interest Billing and Collection Letters
The objective of this course is to show you how you can use Palladium to optimize your Inventory on hand levels using the following:
- Setup Inventory Days Sales Required, Safety Factor, Vendor Lead times, Economic Order Factor as well as the Minimum Order Quantities
- Run the Inventory Forecasting to update Reorder Levels and adjust dates for Seasonality
- Run Inventory reorder reports and understand the effect of the “Explode BOM” option for Process Jobs as well as Assemblies on Works Orders
- Process Orders using The Bulk Replenishment Order function
- Run the Inventory Aging report to identify slow-moving Inventory
In this training course you will learn how to:
- Setup the Inventory module
- Setup Inventory Locations with user security access, Item Numbering, Conventions, Serial and Lot number Tracking with Lot Number expiry dates
- Process using Inventory Requisitions and Issues
- Process inventory Transfers with the Goods-In-transit function
- Process Adjustments, Transfers, Stock Counts and perform Inventory Forecasting to set reorder levels
- Understand how to apply the Barcode loader, Item Cost Updater and Bulk Label Printing
- Use Assemblies (Kitting), Generate Work Orders and view the Production Schedule
- Understand why and were we would use the Inventory Item Repackaging process
- Setup and process using Inventory Dimensions and learn how to apply factors such as M2 in a standard box
- Use Inventory Price Lists as standard price lists or an automated markup on cost and learn how to set pricing through the system or through import/export to Excel
- Use Contract Pricing and setup the Price Discount Matrix
- Look at the reports and in particular the slow-moving stock report
In this course you will learn how to:
- Use the Pick Ticket function
- Create Shipments and Containers by Customer or Delivery Route
- Setup and use Drivers, Delivery Vehicles, Delivery Routes
- Also, learn how to set up Delivery Methods and use the different recovery / Billable rates.
- Understand the Delivery Method (Courier) Integration with Dawn Wing Couriers for Waybill Creation
In this course you will:
- Understand the difference between Process Manufacturing and Assemblies
- Create Assemblies, Disassemblies and Works Orders for Bulk Issues
In the Process Manufacturing module we will:
- Setup Work Centres
- Create Bills of Material
- Setup Labour, Machinery and Overhead Recoveries.
- Create Production Schedules
- Issue Work in Progress
- Process Jobs
- Transfer Jobs
- Close Jobs
- View the Manufacturing Variance Reports
In this course we will:
- Explain the difference between online and Offline Point of Sale
- Setup “Touch-screen” or “Shortcut button” functionality
- Setup and Issue Cash Drawers
- Perform Cash Drops
- Process Sales
- View the Point of Sale Reports
In this course you will learn how to:
- Setup Projects and project budgets
- Process transactions against Projects
- Review Project reports.
In this course you will learn how to:
- Understand when to apply different “Asset Register” types for multiple rates per asset
- Setup Fixed Assets, Asset Types, Locations, Expense Types, Depreciation Methods and Assets Disposal Reasons.
- We will also show you how to allocate expenses to assets to view the efficiency thereof.
- Review the Fixed Assets Reports.
In this course you will learn how to:
- Create your own cubes in Palladium’s BI function.
- Access the data tables from SQL and pull selected fields into reports to view the exact data you need.
- Configure your dashboard views with customised graphs, metro blocks, and tables
- See how the Excel Power Pivots integrate into Palladium and view real-time Pivots and graphs directly from your Palladium data and monitor performance on a real-time basis.
In this training course, we will cover the full setup in the Control Panel from company setup through to user rights, ensuring your system setup is optimized for your business.
In this course you will learn how to:
- Setup Your Payroll or Group of Payrolls
- Setup User-Rights across Payrolls and Pay Frequencies
- Setup Pay Periods
- Import take-on balances
- Process your Payroll using the Payslip View or Batch Import
- See how your staff can access the Free Self-Service functionality removing mundane tasks for the Payroll Administrator
In this course you will learn how to:
- Convert your clients’ Sage Pastel or QuickPay data to Palladium in minutes
- Design your Payslips to the exact requirements of your Customers
- Create your own reports using our Report Writing Tool
or give us a call: +27 (0)11 568 2900