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Palladium Mobile App Suite – Warehousing (WMS) & Management

Our Mobile WMS will work with Android scanners and will allow users to manage the full Warehousing function from receiving to fulfillment right through to dispatch from Android powered mobile scanners like Zebra or Honeywell. The WMS accesses your live Palladium databases ensuring that inventory data is always current and accurate, regardless how you access it from head office or the warehouse.

Warehousing (WMS)
The Warehousing Suite gives your staff the flexibility of processing all the Warehousing functionality from a mobile device, alleviating the need to be near a computer, ultimately saving time and improving accuracy.

Receive Inventory into a receiving area from the mobile device with full scanning authentication to eliminate errors.

Process Put Away’s
Process Put-Aways from GRV’s into the correct stocking bins after checking.

Count Stock
Conduct Stock Takes, either by scanning Inventory or by manually entering quantities.

Inventory Enquiries
Process Inventory Enquiries at any time by item, location, or bin.

Warehouse Transfers
Move Inventory from one Warehouse to another in a single process.

Bin Transfers
Move Inventory to different bins to optimise your warehouse space.

Pick Tickets
Process Pick Tickets with the system transferring the items to the Picked location on completion.

Delivery Advices
Process Delivery Advices from open Sales Orders or picked items to ensure accuracy at your dispatch area.


Purchase Order and Requisition Approvals
Approve Purchase Orders and Inventory Requisitions on the go.

Performance Dashboards
View your company performance for the day, week, month, or year to date either by Item Category, Customer Category or Salesperson.

Mobile App Suite Warehousing (WMS) & Management

Palladium Mobile App Suite – SalesForce & WebConsole

The Palladium Mobile App is a Suite of mobile features and tools designed to cater for your Mobile Salesforce, End-to-End Warehousing, Workshop Processing, Manufacturing Issues, Management Approvals and Performance Dashboards. The App Suite is arguably the most comprehensive set of mobile tools around boasting over 30 core Palladium functions, and is available for Android, iOS and Windows devices.

Mobile SalesForce & WebConsole

The Mobile Sales-Force functionality ensures that your Salespersons can perform optimally at your customers while processing orders or quotes real-time and ensuring that orders get expedited before they are even back at the office. The Web-Console also allows management to track your Salespersons and view performance efficiency in real-time.

Capture POD’s

Allow your Salespersons or drivers to capture customer POD’s and have these uploaded directly to Palladium whether its by “sign to glass” or as a photo of a signed document.

Expense Management

Allow your Salespersons to capture and upload their expense claims on the go.

Inventory Enquiries

Have a real-time view of on-hand inventories by item, location and even bin.

CRM Activities

Process CRM activities with live updates directly to your Palladium Calendar.

Customer Maintenance

Have the ability to Update Customer Information or Create New Customers.

Sales Quotes & Orders

Generate Sales Quotes, Freehand Quotes and Orders on the go while being connected to live data. Email Quotes or Orders from the device. Allow customers to “sign to glass” with the signature being embedded on the Order in Palladium for future reference.

Sales Team Clock in/Clock out Function

Allowing your sales team to clock in and out on their mobile devices.

Salesperson Performance & Tracking

Log into the Web-Console and track your Salespersons in real time and monitor their live locations, performance or view their previous trips and also have the ability to pinpoint other customers near your Salespersons.

Palladium Mobile App Suite Salesforce Webconsole

Palladium Alerts For Palladium Premium

The Palladium Alerts module is available to all users of the Palladium Premium solution and is designed to create Automated “Exception or Personalised” Reports or Instant notifications to all stakeholders in your business from staff to Customers and Suppliers.

What It Does

Palladium Alerts is your own 24/7 Internal Auditor, by creating an automated, centralised communication hub that monitors core processes, functions and balances within your Palladium ERP system, looking for specified conditions or exceptions that may occur, then simply reporting on these to the relevant employees, customers or even suppliers via Email or SMS, optimising efficiencies, communications and processes all around.

Examples Of Standard Alerts


  • Send a Sales Summary report to Management on the daily and month to date performance.
  • Send a list of Credit notes Generated for the day or credit notes over a certain value.
  • Notify management on Key customer performance.
  • Notify on out of stock items with open sales orders.

Accounts Receivable

  • Notify customers daily, weekly or monthly of overdue accounts.
  • Send weekly statements to customers
  • Notify customers or internal staff, of customers who are nearing their credit limit.
  • Generate daily, weekly or monthly Excel, PDF or Dashboard reports that are sent to staff via email to show customer sales.
  • Notify when customer credit limits are amended.
  • Send sales reports automatically to sales reps and sales managers on a daily, weekly or monthly basis to show year on year and actual against targets.

Purchasing and Receiving

  • Create an alert to notify staff when the price on a Purchase Order is greater or lower than the price on the supplier invoice.
  • Report on partially received orders.
  • Alert staff of any changes or amendments to any Purchasing Documents such as POs or Supplier Invoices.


  • Create an alert that sends internal staff an Excel or PDF report via email when inventory on hand reaches minimum order levels.
  • Send an alert to staff when new inventory is being purchased but there already is sufficient quantity on hand.
  • Notify staff when inventory items are sold below a defined minimum GP.

SUP205 – Year-End Guide

Financial Year-End is an important period in your company, and we realize that it can be overwhelming due to the pressure of ensuring that your accounts are all up to date, correct, and in time for the auditors. This guide will assist you in preparing for a successful year-end. If you need help, our Palladium support team is available to assist and advise you, *provided that your company is on a current Support or Maintenance Contract. That the process itself performs very few processes and should not take longer than a minute or so to run. If you feel that the system hasn’t run – please check the system dates before re-running to ensure that the process is not duplicated.

Please note that although the system prevents year-end processes, should you not have sufficient time to investigate these imbalances, we suggest processing a journal to balance the accounts as this can be adjusted or even reversed, after the year-end process.

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A day in the life of Palladium Alerts


Monitoring KPIs and managing many dashboards in your business can make it easy to lose track of what matters. Fortunately, Palladium Alerts can help you out with that. Let us take a look at a day in the life of Palladium Alerts and learn how it can enhance the operational efficiency of your business. 



In this world where information is overwhelming, we need to consume our information intelligently and by exception. Our alerts tool is designed to send selected information dynamically so users no longer need to run static reports to look for problems that may or may not exist in the business. They will receive this information in real-time allowing them to make corrective decisions proactively. 


What I do

I am the unsung hero of the business. I don’t get leave, don’t take off sick, never come in late or get stuck in traffic and do the work of 3. I am the heart and soul of the business and if it wasn’t for me this business would fall apart. I work 24/7/365 and challenge you to give me an alert or notification you need that would change your business for good!


At 6 am

I send a notification to the store person of all the Supplier Deliveries he can expect in the day as well as a list of overdue Supplier deliveries. At the same time, I send a notification to each of my suppliers reminding them of the deliveries that are due to us this week and asking that they need to advise us where the deliveries may be late.

I also advise the store person of all the customer orders that need to be picked and delivered for the day, as well as all the overdue pick-tickets.


During the day

1 advise customers on all their quotes, orders and invoices processed as well as let them know of the status of their orders whether it’s picked or not, and when we deliver I even give them details of the driver and vehicle.

I let my procurement and sales managers know of all purchases made where the cost has increased since the last time we bought the item so they can review the sales price.

I notify the sales manager of any orders processed where the margin is lower than it should be just in case our salesperson made a mistake during processing.

I let my Financial Manager know when we receive orders for clients whose accounts are near their credit limit or overdue as those sales guys always try and push the order through without telling the Manager.


At the end of the day when people have gone home

I send a summary of the days’ performance to management with month to date figures just to make sure we are on track to budget, together with a list of the top 10 overdue customers.

I send a sales report to the sales team sorted in descending order so the underperformers know I am watching them.

I send a list of all items below their min order level to my procurement manager reminding them to order stock.

I advise the Sales Manager on the sales consultants that are not “upselling” related items to their customers.

I send a list of overdue CRM incidents to staff reminding them where they have gone wrong.

I send a list of all overdue sales quotes to the salespersons making sure they follow up and turn these into sales.


On the Weekends

I send a list of all inventory nearing expiry dates or where we are overstocked to the sales manager so they can turn this old stock into cash.

I send a report to all my overdue customers listing all their overdue invoices and reminding them that they need to pay us to ensure there is no interruption of our superior customer service.

I let my admin manager know about client maintenance contracts that are about to expire so they can make sure we renew the clients for another year.

I send management a report on cancelled Sales Quotes and Orders with reason codes so they can take corrective measures for us to “get more sales”.

I send a report to the sales manager on clients whose sales have decreased on certain items so he can follow up personally.


My job is never done, and at month-end

I send statements to all our customers reminding them to pay on time.

I send management a summary of the performance of the business, congratulating them on Increasing their Turnover and Cash Flow, Improving their margins, enhancing their operational efficiency.

And it’s all thanks to me – the unsung hero!

At only R1500p/m, I am the cheapest and most efficient employee you can ever hire.

N.B Palladium Alerts is only compatible with the Palladium Premium and Palladium Enterprise Editions.


To book a demo or for more information regarding Palladium Alerts, Contact us today on +27 (0)11 568 2900 or