Customise your software
More often than not, businesses are presented with no more than 5 key-features in the quest to find the ideal Accounting Software solution.
As a flexible Accounting Software Company we believe that businesses should have the right to these features and not have to conduct business on the 80/20 principle, with Accounting Software Vendors telling you how to run your business. To accommodate this, Palladium supports the policy of allowing clients to Request a Feature.
In many instances though we will develop customer feature requests for a nominal fee, provided that these features are deemed “non-proprietary” and can be used by other clients.
If you don’t see your KEY FEATURE on our website, why not put us to the test and send us details of exactly what you need to make the move to Palladium, and for us to take your business “Beyond Accounting”. You never know, we may just surprise you!