Palladium Mobile App Suite - Warehousing (WMS) & Management

Palladium Mobile App Suite – Warehousing (WMS) & Management

Our Mobile WMS will work with Android scanners and will allow users to manage the full Warehousing function from receiving to fulfillment right through to dispatch from Android powered mobile scanners like Zebra or Honeywell. The WMS accesses your live Palladium databases ensuring that inventory data is always current and accurate, regardless how you access it from head office or the warehouse.

Warehousing (WMS)
The Warehousing Suite gives your staff the flexibility of processing all the Warehousing functionality from a mobile device, alleviating the need to be near a computer, ultimately saving time and improving accuracy.

Receive Inventory into a receiving area from the mobile device with full scanning authentication to eliminate errors.

Process Put Away’s
Process Put-Aways from GRV’s into the correct stocking bins after checking.

Count Stock
Conduct Stock Takes, either by scanning Inventory or by manually entering quantities.

Inventory Enquiries
Process Inventory Enquiries at any time by item, location, or bin.

Warehouse Transfers
Move Inventory from one Warehouse to another in a single process.

Bin Transfers
Move Inventory to different bins to optimise your warehouse space.

Pick Tickets
Process Pick Tickets with the system transferring the items to the Picked location on completion.

Delivery Advices
Process Delivery Advices from open Sales Orders or picked items to ensure accuracy at your dispatch area.


Purchase Order and Requisition Approvals
Approve Purchase Orders and Inventory Requisitions on the go.

Performance Dashboards
View your company performance for the day, week, month, or year to date either by Item Category, Customer Category or Salesperson.

Mobile App Suite Warehousing (WMS) & Management