Accounts Receivable Features - Palladium

Manage customer accounts and improve collections with, simplified credit management and approvals, order to invoice conversion, and tracking receivables with comprehensive reporting.

Temporary Credit Limits

Use Temporary Customer Credit Limits to effectively manage granting customers access to extra credit for a defined period of time.

Inter-Company Orders (Available in Palladium Premium)

Automatically Create Sales Orders in your Supplier or Franchisor’s database directly from your new Purchase Orders.

Inter Branch Transfer (IBT) Orders (Available in Palladium Premium)

Allow Branches to process IBT orders on a Central Warehouse or to other Branches, to facilitate the Picking and expediting of the branch Order.

Drop-ship Orders

Create Purchase Orders copying from Sale orders with the ability to copy the Customer Delivery address for the Purchase Order to deliver direct.

Cancelled Order Management

How much are cancelled orders costing your business? Palladium tracks the real opportunity cost of running a business by assigning reason codes for all cancelled Sales Orders and Quotes.

Recurring Invoices & Contract Billing

Automatically bill customers on a recurring basis for your products or services, using recurring invoices with unique frequencies to manage your customer contracts.

Email Invoices with Statements 

Simplify the billing process and accelerate payments, by attaching copies of outstanding Invoices to clients with their statements.

Hire Purchase Terms

Use Hire Purchase (HP) terms to manage HP customers and balances with detailed interest calculations.

Laybys & Receipts to Sales Orders

Manage laybys or simply process receipts to sales orders for your Cash in advance customers.

Credit Request & Approvals

Create credit requests to ensure that all returns are correctly managed. Credit requests can be created on the fly during receipt processing.

Display Margins in Sales Documents

Choose to display margins in sales documents for real-time negotiations. Also set the margin to display on Standard, average or last received cost. Optional setting per user

Convert Multiple SO or DA’s to Invoice

Process sales orders and delivery advices faster, by converting individual or multiple documents to Sales Invoices.

Freehand Quotes and Tenders

Freehand Quotes allows the creation of quotes for prospective clients without having to create a customer masterfile, or inventory records. Set margins, select Vendors and create simultaneous Purchase and Sales documents all from the same screen, ideal for tenders and the related approvals.

Courier Integration

Integrate invoices directly to Dawn Wing Courier company, with the system allowing you to create standard shipping box sizes and dimensions for ease of use.

Display Gross Margin on all Sales Documents

This is an optional setting, per user, that allows you to view the Gross Margin (Gross Profit as a % of Sales) per line item, as well as a total per document, allowing you to negotiate pricing on a real-time basis. We have also added the ability to display the cost as the Standard Cost / Last Received Cost / Moving Average (summary) / Moving Average per Location / Greater of the Last Received Cost or Moving Average Price.

Attach Files on the Fly with Emailed Sales Documents 

You can attach related files on the fly with emailed sales documents. When setting up inventory item file attachments, you can set whether the document is auto-mailed with the relevant sales document, such as invoices, orders etc, and when the sales document is created, all related documents are attached and sent accordingly. This information could be installation instructions, manufacturing certificates, warranty information or even a sales document recommending related items.

Increase your Revenue with Palladium’s Dynamic Upsell Functionality

Palladium has an advanced Upsell Functionality that allows you to set an unlimited number of “Upsell” Items with settings for Optional Dynamic Prompting per processing Document. This feature makes it simple for new employees to sell specialised products with little experience of the business, ensuring maximised revenue potential at all times. This function can also be used to group like items in the form of Kits. For more information, read the support article.

Flexible Customer & Vendor Terms

Our flexible terms feature allows you to define negotiated terms on a per document basis, either from date of invoice or from date of statement for both Customer and Vendor invoices.

Credit Note Pre-Authorisations with Credit Reason Codes

The Credit Note Authorisation facility allows users to Create a Credit Note Request form and have this authorised before being converted to a credit note. Credit Note reason codes complete this function by allowing you to further analyse the return reasons themselves.

Optimise Margins with Optional Automatic Selling Price Updates

Automatically Update certain or all of your Inventory Item selling prices for specific customers. This feature allows you to define a price list as a “List” or a “Markup On Cost” type pricelist. The Markup on Cost pricelist has the ability to change the selling price dynamically at the time of Receiving or on the Manufacturing of Inventory items, with a set Markup by Item Category. The ability to change the price for increases only, with a full audit trail report on all changes by user and the option to have an unlimited number of customer pricelists, rounds off this feature.

Document Status Options

Set Document Status types for each processing document, allowing you to manage the status and resulting follow up process. In addition the Status can be changed dynamically without the need to adjust the document itself. If you look at the example below you will see that all the non-transactional information can be modified on the fly allowing you to track or edit the relevant document statuses with ease.

Automatically Update certain or all of your Inventory Item selling prices for specific customers. This feature allows you to define a price list as a “List” or a “Markup On Cost” type pricelist. The Markup on Cost pricelist has the ability to change the selling price dynamically at the time of Receiving or on the Manufacturing of Inventory items, with a set Markup by Item Category. The ability to change the price for increases only, with a full audit trail report on all changes by user and the option to have an unlimited number of customer pricelists, rounds off this feature.

Invoice Goods, Services & Defined Ledger Accounts

You have the ability to invoice Goods, Services and General Ledger Accounts Accounts, all from one common Selection Interface, where only selected “allowable” General Ledger Accounts will appear.

Document Bookmarks & Quick Transactional History Lookups 

You are able to view Vendor History at a glance on all processing documents with the ability to copy these items onto the processing document with one click. The ability to Bookmark documents for quick reference gives you the ability to copy items from one document to any other document in seconds. This could be used to copy items from a Purchase order to a Customer Invoice or vice versa. To View a support article on the Bookmarking of documents click here. To view the article on looking up Customer Order/Sales, and Supplier Order/Purchase information, and copying this to the current processing document click here.

In-Document Authorizations & Price Override Reason Codes

An option has been added to the Customer Sales Invoice function allowing for an In-Document Management Authorization override on the amending of the item Price, Discount or overall document discount fields. This acts in the same way as the credit note approval function, and will invoke for the authorisation on amending.

Trade Creditor Reconciliations

Trade Creditor Reconciliations gives users the ability to process a reconciliation, starting with the system balance, highlighting all the reconciling differences, ending with the creditor statement balance. The creditor reconciliation control sheet, lists a creditor reconciliation summary per reconciling item type per creditor; allowing one, single view of your monthly weekly or even daily recons.

Trade Creditor Reconciliations is only available in Palladium Premium Edition.

More Features


Track inventory, manage stock and easily add items into invoices and orders.

Warehousing & Distribution

Powerful distribution and warehouse management.

Manufacturing & Assembly

Optimise your manufacturing process for better stock control and sales.